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Our winery & restaurant specializes in everything wine for more than 70 years.

That was the reason why recently we’ve decided to launch an array of additional services.

Also, we’re offering a new, special menu for this day.

These will include everything from catering events with our wine & food, to selling rare vintage wines and offering wine tasting happenings & vineyards tours across the US…


All in all, we’re sure that our customers will be glad to have another option of a service, besides just enjoying a wine and a meal at one of our tables…


2 Responses

  1. So extra excited! The Parisian scenery all around, little Eiffel towers on the tables…
    sounds very romantic!

    1. Yep, I agree. I’m a guy, and I look forward to such atmosphere as well! Though, not more than to my perfect, juicy, medium rare steak…)

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